6 Reasons Why It’s Time To Update Your Professional Headshots

Before we jump into the six reasons why it’s time to update your business headshots, let’s answer some of the common questions you may be thinking.

Young actress headshot

Why are professional headshots so important?

Professional headshots are important for any individual who wants to have an online presence. In this digital age, your online presence strongly impacts your professional opportunities in doing business and professional growth.

Often, we see a person’s photograph before meeting them in person; your headshot should represent who you are as a professional. A high-quality headshot sets you apart in a competitive job market.

The importance of a good corporate headshot lends credibility to your profile, among other things.

Are headshots supposed to be edited?

Headshots should be retouched, but there is a fine line between natural retouching, overly smoothing the skin, and making the person look plastic. The best way to explain natural retouching is that the headshot should still represent your appearance but can be your best version.

We can remove pimples and minimize pores and wrinkles. If you have any birthmarks on your face, we do not remove them unless you specifically request them because they’re part of your look.

So, yes, headshots should be edited but in a natural way where the individual looks like the best version of themselves without looking fake. You can also see some examples of our headshot retouching here. In that article, we explain in more detail the type of retouching we do on our headshots.

How recent should a headshot be?

One of the main giveaways that you need to update your headshots is when you look at your photo, which doesn't reflect who you are. Whether it's an outdated glamor shot or you've grown in your career, you want a different image to represent who you are to your client and overall company.

Another reason to update your headshot is if you are looking to get a promotion or a new job, for that matter. Having a photo that will make you stand out through your personality and showcases your identity in your field of work is part of the journey to success.

Sometimes, you need to update your headshot because the company you work for is sponsoring all of its employees to get their headshots updated. It could be to update internal profiles or something seen on the company website.

Your headshot should look the same as you do. If a person were to see your image online first and then meet you in person, the headshot should look the same.

We recommend updating your headshot with physical changes like haircuts, facial hair, etc. Our clients usually come once a year to keep their headshots updated and current. Whether you are an Attorney, Doctor, or in any field, people can easily find professional information about you. It’s important to look consistent with your headshot.

Learn the five reasons why it’s time to update your professional headshots.

Fun professional headshot

Professional headshots are a great way to make a first impression in your career. Often, when you’ve already taken a business professional headshot, there’s uncertainty of how often to update your image.

The Importance of a Professional Headshot

High-quality headshots show credibility, build trust, and create a personal connection with your target audiences through good first impressions.

Corporate headshots are an essential part of your brand and should be used across various platforms to increase recognition and be used to stand out from competitors.

Professional headshots are an investment for your professional identity, make you stand out in your industry, and even help you advance your professional goals.

Learn about the 15 things to avoid in your business headshot.

Here are six reasons why it’s time to update your professional headshots:

REASON 1: You don’t have a professional headshot

There are many reasons why your current headshot may not be up to par. A professional headshot is not a selfie you took on your cellphone but a picture of yourself at a work event you decided to crop. If you fall under the selfie or crop photo turned into a headshot, then it’s time for you to update your headshot.

The photograph you use to represent yourself makes a big difference, especially in the digital age. Now more than ever, people see and interact with a picture of you, often multiple times, before meeting you in person.

The picture you choose goes a long way toward setting that impression. For professional or corporate headshots, you want to display a professional appearance to create the impression that you are capable and experienced, whether in finance, sales, real estate, education, or any other professional field.

Without a professionally taken headshot, people's impression of you as a professional will impact your business.

Professional womans headshot

REASON 2: How old is your current headshot?

Let’s face it– time changes us all. Having an up-to-date headshot that resembles the current you is essential, especially if you often meet with people.

A good rule of thumb is if your headshot is older than 12-18 months, it’s time to update it. Staying consistent and current in today’s digital world will keep you at the top of your professional game and job market.

REASON 3: You have outgrown your old headshot

Did you recently go through some noticeable physical changes?

People’s looks change constantly as they get makeovers, lose weight, try new hairstyles, grow facial hair, etc. If any of those apply, you must make an appointment for your new and updated look.

REASON 4: Career cushioning

Career cushioning is not necessarily looking for a new job; it's about being cautious and prepared in case the job market shifts. Having a fresh, updated headshot to post on LinkedIn will help you stand out in the job market.

REASON 5: You are looking for a new job

If you are switching career paths, the headshots you have been using before might not match the standard of your new field.

Even if you’re happy with your old headshots, getting new professional headshots can be a great way to make a statement in your new position.

REASON 6: Job promotion

Are you looking for a promotion in your company? Your new professional headshots will reinforce your work values and make a memorable imprint on your employer and the decision-makers.

Whether you are about to get a job promotion, think you deserve a job promotion, or already got the job promotion, scheduling your headshot to celebrate the good news is a great way to make an official announcement.

A new headshot that marks the start of your new position is a must. Posting your new headshot on LinkedIn is a great way to share the news on your new position.

Read about the top 3 career benefits from professional headshots.

Extra bonus reasons to note when to update your headshot

Update your brand

personal branding portrait

What does your personal brand say about you? If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, your brand matters.

Your brand is an intentional representation of yourself that you broadcast to your professional connections and clients.

A well-crafted photograph can influence whether to work with you through a positive first impression and professional demeanor.

A credible and trustworthy image is crucial, whether you are a lawyer or work in finance, real estate, or healthcare. Build confidence in your expertise with current and potential clients.

Adding a human touch to your brand and showing personality can create lasting relationships and networking. It's valuable to have an image that conveys warmth and approachability.

Here’s a deeper dive into what is personal branding.

We offer complimentary consultations before your professional headshot photography appointment to discuss the look you would like to achieve and what kind of outfits to bring to represent the desired look.

You are unhappy with your current professional headshot

Just because you recently received your professional headshot doesn’t mean it represents the image you are trying to communicate.

Life happens, and different factors could have contributed to your unhappiness with your current headshot. Maybe you were busy on the day of the photoshoot and couldn’t prepare as well as you’d liked, or maybe you feel the photographer could have had a better connection to make you feel comfortable in front of the camera.

Confidence is important, especially in business, and it’s easiest to feel confident when you know you look your best.

Everyone’s heard the expression, “Look good, feel good,” and this article explains the psychology of why. In your professional life, using headshots that look good and represent who you are can positively affect your career.

If you’re unsatisfied with your current headshots, it’s time to invest in yourself and schedule a new headshot session.

Mens professional headshot

What to look for in a Corporate Headshot Photographer?

Hire a photographer who specializes in working in the corporate world or has worked in similar industries. The work in their portfolio should reflect their photographic skills, lighting knowledge, consistency, and creativity.

You want to avoid taking a chance and hiring an amateur person in photography. Corporate photographers should be punctual with their communication. It's all about good customer service.

Knowing the photographer is reliable, punctual, and highly organized is essential. In addition, they need to be capable of providing clear and concise contracts. Also, the photographer needs to show proof of their photography insurance. On top of that, it's good to ask to ensure they have double, if not triple, the gear in case something stops working.

Another quality to look for when searching for a corporate photographer is that they have the expertise and advice needed to make your vision come to life.

Five key tips on how to choose a professional headshot photographer.

Update your professional headshots

Unless you just had a headshot session, it’s probably a good time to update your professional headshots. Having professional headshots that are recognizable, that you enjoy looking at, and that represent your personal brand is an easy way to create a more confident and successful business life.

If you are really serious about getting the best headshot that you deserve, contact us on the link below.


The Importance of a Good Corporate Headshot