The Importance of a Good Corporate Headshot

When you come across a company’s website, and you see the team members headshots happen to be inconsistent and overall have bad quality vibes – are you impressed with that company? Most likely not… So let’s dive in why Corporate Headshots are so important!

First impressions are made within milliseconds. In this digital age, we gravitate more towards visually pleasing matters. When browsing on digital platforms such as LinkedIn or websites that offer services, certain aspects tend to keep us browsing longer.

Harmony in colors and consistency is something that catches attention and captivates the individual to stay on that platform. Personability and consistency is another characteristic that draws attention.

Coming across clean and professional headshots that are consistent establishes trust and personability. If you can make a first good-strong impression before meeting in person, why not increase those chances?

Good modern corporate headshots that are up to date will help elevate a positive impression. Let’s explore the importance of a good corporate headshot and how it can help grow your business.

The Importance of a Professional Headshot

With so many connections built on digital platforms, establishing trust should be at the top of your priority list. Investing in corporate headshot photography to have consistent headshots of all employees is a good first step towards building that trust.

Adding a human touch to the user’s experience through headshots is an easy solution to establishing a ‘first good impression.’

No one wants to see bad selfies or photos cropped from life events. At least not when looking for professional services.

Having consistent headshots across the website is pleasing to the eye and creates that human connection and trust.

Going above and beyond to take the time for you and your employees to get professional headshots radiates that your company cares about its people.

Going above and beyond to take the time for you and your employees to get professional headshots radiates that your company cares about its people.

The importance of a professional headshot can help grow your business both by attracting new clients and by growing the work culture internally.

Still not convinced it’s time to update your corporate headshot?

Why Your Business Needs Good Headshots

When a business has good and consistent headshots, it shows how professional the company is. When potential clients are looking at your business and they can see all the employees have consistent business headshots, it shows the company has a cohesive environment and good processes put together.

Taking the time to ensure that every single person that’s part of your business goes through the same onboarding experience creates a very attractive working atmosphere.

When a company cares about its team members, there is a lot of hard work and growth that happens.

Providing headshots to employees is another way to care about your team and reduce employee attrition.

Your business needs good headshots to attract new clients, help grow your business internally with more team members, and to show the cohesive environment you’ve built in your company.

Editorial Portraits of Your Team and Office

Along with getting your teams modern corporate headshots updated, we also offer editorial portraits of your team and office.

Looking for something more fun and unique to display on your company website? Editorial portraits will help make your company standout and give people a glimpse of the office environment and feel.

Should Corporate Headshots Be taken Indoor or Outdoor?

If you have a big team that is steadily growing, we recommend scheduling in-studio headshots or if you are on-location to get headshots in doors versus outdoor.

Corporate headshots taken in-studio or indoors have a clean and consistent feel. An indoor setup is much easier to replicate for new-hires and updated headshots.
Outdoor headshots don’t have a consistent feel because of changing weather conditions.

The outdoor background will look different in full sun versus an overcast day. Also, it will be hard to keep the consistency as you grow your team and include headshots as part of the onboarding process.

Outdoor Headshots Have the Following Disadvantages:

Outdoor headshots might seem like a good idea. There are many limitations and disadvantages with outdoor headshots.

  • No consistency: Even for the same session, the look will not be consistent because of moving clouds and sun movement.

  • Different seasons, different lighting: Employees photographed in the same exact spot-on different dates, will have a different look because, weather differences and the sun traveling differently throughout different seasons.

  • Harsh lighting is not flattering: Finding a location without harsh sunlight may be challenging.

  • Timing limitations: Outdoor headshots give time limitations because they should be photographed early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

How Often Should Corporate Headshots Be Updated?

It’s important to update your headshot often. Make sure you and your teams headshots are not outdated.

While we don’t recommend posting selfies or photos from past events, outdated headshots are not any better.

Creating trust means being transparent and up to date and that includes the way you look.

We recommend updating headshots at least once a year or with any physical changes like haircuts, hair color changes, beards, no beards, etc.

Headshots Part of On-Boarding Process

We work with many companies and are part of their onboarding experience for new hires. Special new hire discounted rates are offered as part of the onboarding process for headshots.

Ensuring that every employee has a consistent headshot with company standards creates a clean and consistent look on your website. It also gives the employee a sense of being part of the work culture while radiating to the outside world how cool your company culture is.

Your corporate headshots should follow your companies branding colors. Here's an example of Kinetiq Media headshots that are consistent with creative agency branding. 

How to get Consistent Headshots for Remote Teams

If you have employees working remotely or in different offices, there is still a way for all the headshots to look consistent.

Take advantage of business meetings as the right opportunity for new or updated company headshots.

If your team is going to be in the same place at the same time, we can travel to that location nationwide if it’s within 5-10 team members.

If your company is having a retreat or a conference with all the employees being together, that is a prime opportunity to make time for consistent corporate photography and provide a headshot for all the employees.

You can also discuss group photos to have to display on your website.

Need updated headshots for less than 5 people? Our team has a network of handpicked photographers globally that photograph in the exact style as us.

6 Reasons A Professional Headshot is Important for Business

Getting a professional headshot is important for business. It establishes a human touch for the user experience. Adding a face to the service being used exerts credibility. Here are 5 solid reasons a professional headshot is important for business:

1. Show’s your business has credibility. Having a strong professional headshot that captures your professional side builds credibility. It’s more comforting to work with someone that you can connect with. Growing that trust with potential clients will help grow your business.

2. A professional headshot shows you and your team are experts. Using a photograph from a past event and cropping it to look like your headshot is the opposite of professionalism. When you are an expert specializing in a field, you want to be seen that way. Build your business with core professional standards.

3. A cohesive company has a cohesive look. You want your current and potential clients to know that your company is put together well and is organized. Consistent and professional headshots demonstrate your company has good processes in place.

4. Radiate professionalism but with personality. A good professional headshot should show your personality or your work culture. Whether you are serious or have a great sense of humor, as the photographers we will get the best out of you. When there’s personality in a headshot, it stands out from all the glamour shots and distastefully cropped event photos converted into headshots.

5. Clients want authenticity. Let’s say that you do have a headshot, but it happens to be outdated. Or your headshot is heavily retouched, and you are unrecognizable. Imagine how much disappointment and mistrust that could bring to the person meeting you for the first time. Don’t let a crappy headshot be the reason you lose a client.

6. Builds a personal connection. With all the time spent online working and connecting with others, adding a face to the individual creates a stronger connection. How often do you accept a LinkedIn connection without a face to connect it with?

Best corporate headshots

A professional headshot is important for business because it builds credibility and professionalism of your brand. Outdated or heavily retouched headshots are not to today’s standards of what a strong headshot should be.

You can easily avoid disappointment on behalf of the individual meeting you for the first time by taking the time to get a good, strong, and professional headshot.

The importance of a good professional headshot can help grow your company with new clients and building your team. Why not show to the outside world that your company values a cohesive environment from having consistent team headshots to a website that flows nicely.

Being personable and authentic will help to attract the people you are interested in connecting with.

Corporate headshots needs proper planning though. Read our How To Plan Corporate Headshots For Your Company blog post.

We can make your team look good, professional, and approachable. Contact us today to see how we can help your business.


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